Points to Avoid Mistakes in Choosing a Rental Apartment 【 Facility Considerations】

Points to Avoid Mistakes in Choosing a Rental Apartment 【 Facility Considerations】

When searching for a rental apartment and inspecting the facilities, it’s essential to pay attention to certain points to confirm during your visit.

The condition of the amenities in the apartment you plan to rent should be verified with your own eyes whenever possible.

For those who are looking at apartments remotely, it’s a good idea to inquire about the points explained in this article before making a decision.

It’s essential to verify the condition of the facilities during an inspection.


Just like the layout of the apartment, the age of its facilities can greatly affect the comfort of living when choosing a rental apartment.

It’s true that when it comes to facilities, they often receive less attention compared to the layout and rent. However, they can be easily overlooked, so it’s essential not to forget to pay attention to them.

In an apartment building, there are shared facilities used by all residents and individual facilities specific to each unit. The age and quality of these facilities can surprisingly affect daily living.

The shared facilities in a rental apartment typically refer to common areas such as hallways, entrances, mailboxes, and garbage disposal areas.

Points to check for individual facilities in a rental apartment room

Does mold grow quickly? High humidity is a cause for concern!


With the influence of the approximately two-month-long rainy season in Japan, the summer months can indeed bring high humidity. Rooms with consistently high humidity levels may become susceptible to mold problems.

The most important condition for preventing mold growth in a room is good ventilation. A room with good airflow through exhaust fans, ventilation openings, and windows is less likely to develop mold.

Conversely, rooms that lack exhaust fans or have limited airflow from windows are more prone to mold growth.

To determine whether a room is prone to mold growth, there are several key points to consider


  • Window Frames: Check if there is any discoloration on the side of the window frames or wooden components.
  • Condensation: Look for any signs of condensation on the windows.
  • Unusual Odors: Ensure there are no unusual odors coming from storage areas or the bathroom.
  • Wallpaper and Flooring: Examine if there are any black stains or peeling in certain areas of the wallpaper or flooring.

If you notice discoloration near the windows, on the floor, or in certain areas of the wallpaper, the room may be prone to mold growth.

Mold growth can indeed make cleaning more challenging and have health implications, making it a significant concern for daily living.

Older Properties: Watch Out for Clogged Drainage Pipes


While not visible, it’s important to check for potential blockages in plumbing, especially in older homes where aging pipes can lead to poor drainage and unpleasant odors.

At the same time, aging pipes can become more prone to breakage, leading to potential inconvenience and the need to hire professionals for cleaning and repairs.

When considering older apartments that have been built for several years, it’s important to check for the timing of pipe replacements and assess if there are any signs of reduced water flow during the actual viewing.

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